Greetings Transformers Fans... I's been quite some time since I last promised the visitors of my former TF blog dedicated to my own TF Collections that I will be redoing my blog with better taken pics instead of the rather bad ones in my old existing blog. I've finally set up my amateur "Photo Studio" and have started taking "Proper" pics of my collection. So, to kick start it all.. I will start with my favorite TF line of the moment - "Transformers Universe and Henkei" line.
Perhaps and arguably the most anticipated TF toy line to date ... at least for me... Is the Universe and Henkei line. It's a veritable love fest for all G1 fans who had wished for the past 25 yrs or so that their G1 toys are more articulated and looked more Anime like LOL.

So... to get this blog going... the one figure I've chosen to kick start my new n somewhat improved blog is - Universe and Henkei- GALVATRON!!!
To simply put it in one word to describe this figure i would say "Awesome" LOL!!! But then again anything that's G1 related is awesome for me. But yeah, this is indeed the closest thing we ever had to a homage to G1 Galvatron.
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