OK... now that I've gotten the ball rolling again, let's explore into the world of "Exclusives" and "Limited Editions" and what better way than to start it off with Henkei Japanese Credit card Exclusive - Strafe!!!
However, this Strafe is not the strafe we know back in the G1 series as one of the members of the "Technobots". TakTom is seldom a champion of repaints.. so it was quite a surprise to see a "Cyclonus" figure is repainted as "Strafe". Choosing Strafe as a subject for an exclusive figure is equally baffling as there just isn't any reason or important significance for Strafe to have such an honor of being an exclusive figure.

However... as baffling as it is for TakTom to call a repainted Universe/Henkei Cyclonus figure as "Strafe"... I guess it is all done in good stride. Many collectors have come to consider this "Strafe" as a never produced "Botcon 08 - Shattered Glass - Cyclonus".

Given that the Shattered Glass version of Cyclonus is more of a burnished ocra in color... Strafe is the closest thing to an actual "Shattered Glass" cyclonus.
Toywise..it's literally is a Henkei Cyclonus figure with chrome parts and since I've just released the figure from the confines of it's packaging... I'm guessing it will have the same problem I have with my Henkei Galvatron in due time... Scratches and scuffles on the chrome parts!!! Ggrrrrr!!!
Final Verdict:
Strafe is really more of a novelty figure to own... but if u r as big a fan as I am of this mold, you don't need to think twice about getting this figure. So who needs to eat anyways?? LOL
United Colors Of Cyclonus

All 3 different colors of Cyclonus... SWEET!!! :P

NOTE - Edited on the 31st of December 2009 - TFCC have just announced that an official "Shattered Glass- Cyclonus" will be release as a TFCC Exclusive - Read Here
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